Our back porch is *tiny*, kind of like our pantry, but I've tried to make it as functional as possible without purchasing new stuff.  Moving into new places every few year is sometimes a challenge - one place things fit a little better than the next.  The back porch has been has been a challenge us, but I finally have it comfortable.  I love sitting outside in the wee hours of the morning when the sun isn't beating down making everything unbearable. 
My friend Rachel gave this plant to me about a month ago before she moved. I'm trying to do right by it...it has lost a few leaves but for the most part I think it is pretty happy here in its new home.
The spider plant in the red pot is from my MIL. She gave it to me last year when we were visiting...it made the trip all the way home, and then within 3 months I almost killed it. I was able to resesitate it and as you can see it is doing splended now!
Two summers ago Hubby bought this piece of bark looking stuff in Hawaii. Last summer we put it in water and it spouted so we planted it in soil. This past winter I thought I killed it (see a pattern?) but this summer it came back stronger than ever!
There really isn't anything special about this picture - other than I need to paint the wall above the flag....
I love this little bug...we bought him in San Diego and he is hanging out on a wall outside.
We bought these guys at the J.J. market in Bangkok. You can see them as you walk out of the house...
Another bug from San Diego
I know I am going to catch grief from a few people because of these next three pictures. Yes I have hummingbirds in my back yard. Yes I sit around waiting to take pictures of them. Yes I am old. Bring it on my friends, bring it on.....
Do you want to know their names? ;o)
More San Diego bugs.
I just love these little guys....
The view from the yard.
Our back porch (yes, I need to trim the bushes).
When my MIL was visiting a few months ago she told me I should put my pantry on the blog.  Living in military quarters you either learn to organize, or you have a messy house and closets because quarters are typically pretty tiny!  This is actually a pretty big pantry for military housing!  (My friend Lori has the best and most organized pantry EVER & her pantry was my inspiration!)  I know there is some controversy over Tupperware and something funky - but whatever.  It works for me.  However I really like the jar canisters on the second shelf from the top and *might* slowly start converting to them, but it is not high on my priority list.  

Top row has everything to do with baking 
Second row - grains mostly
Third row, canned goods, syrups, honey, oriental cooking 
Bottom row is baskets filled with paper products, snacks and more oriental cooking stuff
(Spices have a cupboard of their own. I'll post another time.)

I try to utilize ever space possible and I LOVE these little shoe racks.  I use them for all sorts of stuff.  In my pantry they hold everything ~ foil, plastic wrap, box tops, plastic ware, snacks, straws, plastic bags of all sized & more!

So, there you have it.  Tiny pantry filled to capacity!
So I'm a little slow at updating this blog.  What can I say, I'm a busy girl.  Much more busy than I was in Korea, plus it is summer & every time I go to update, I have someone asking, "can I have milk, can I play on the computer, come wipe my bottom....."  aughhh, you get the idea.  School starts in 17 days; maybe I will be better at updating then. (Maybe.)

So Girl's room was super fun to paint!  Yes, this is all paint, no stickers, all free hand baby!  It took me two days to complete, but oh so worth it! 

I started with a few dots.....
added a few more.....
and then threw in even more....
Once all the dots were done, I added SWIRLS!!
How fun is this room?!?!
My inspiration was the curtains I had custom made (above).  Girl told me exactly what colors she wanted, gave me all sorts of ideas & this is what we came up with together!

I still have quite of bit of work to do but decided to hold off till the kids go back to school.  I am going to refinish all of Girls furniture & am still looking for the perfect bedding for her room.....as soon as it all comes together I will post more pictures. 
I forgot I didn't show finished projects!  So far this is my favorite room.  I love all of the blues going on in here. It is such a bright, fun room ~ you can’t help but be happy when you are in this room!  Check out the curtains...those are some of the custom made curtains from Korea.  The dresser was mine when I was a little girl ~ we have repainted it many times.  I really need to repaint it again and add different knobs, but it will work for now.
Post living is the life for me....and WOW, what the Army has done to post housing. We were lucky (if you call waiting for 8 weeks in a tiny 3 bedroom apartment with 6 people lucky) to get into the 'new' housing on FT. Hood!  Here is a view of our quarters before we moved in.
Yes, that is a 2 car garage (on post)!
A REAL laundry room, not an area I have to hang curtains in front of! (If you have ever lived on post you know what I am talking about.)
It might be a small kitchen, but there is an ice maker in the door of that fridge, and we have a gas range!
Dining room
View from the entry
And then the fun begins....
Boy 2 & 3's room
Even before all deliveries were made, we had to take a break for a little birthday celebration! 
Remember our birthday tradition of "you get whatever you want for your birthday breakfast"?  Well, that applies if you have not been in your house for 24 hours. 
Birthday celebration done, now back to painting & deliveries & unpacking...
This was our 2nd delivery, we had 16 crates delivered in all.
Lovin' my orange dining room!
Girl's room, you need sunglasses to enter.
It has been 3 weeks since we moved in, things are coming together quite nicely even though we had WAY TOO MUCH STUFF!!  I'll start posting pictures of the completed projects soon.